Career Growth Made Easy

Breaking Down Unconscious Bias (#189)

January 15, 2024 Craig Ancel
Breaking Down Unconscious Bias (#189)
Career Growth Made Easy
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Career Growth Made Easy
Breaking Down Unconscious Bias (#189)
Jan 15, 2024
Craig Ancel

Breaking Down Unconscious Bias
What is unconscious bias? How does it affect us in our daily lives? Does this apply to everything - even our resumes? (Hint: The answer is yes!)

Let's breakdown the old saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover" and how we subconsciously do this every day, as if it's a reflex. Let's retrain our brains to identify this issue, and continue moving into the new year with our best foot forward!

Where does unconscious bias begin?

Where does unconscious bias affect us? Hint: It's always resumes!

Let's define unconscious bias.

In my Resume Master Class, we discuss how unconscious bias can affect your chances of getting hired.

UB also plays a role in interviews.

Try switching it up and breaking from your routine in small ways to see how this can affect your perspective.

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Show Notes

Breaking Down Unconscious Bias
What is unconscious bias? How does it affect us in our daily lives? Does this apply to everything - even our resumes? (Hint: The answer is yes!)

Let's breakdown the old saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover" and how we subconsciously do this every day, as if it's a reflex. Let's retrain our brains to identify this issue, and continue moving into the new year with our best foot forward!

Where does unconscious bias begin?

Where does unconscious bias affect us? Hint: It's always resumes!

Let's define unconscious bias.

In my Resume Master Class, we discuss how unconscious bias can affect your chances of getting hired.

UB also plays a role in interviews.

Try switching it up and breaking from your routine in small ways to see how this can affect your perspective.

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