Career Growth Made Easy

Earn More in 2024: How To Get A Raise (#187)

Craig Ancel

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Earn More in 2024: How To Get A Raise
Are you ready to make big moves in the new year?

This episode is packed full of tips and tricks to help you make the most of this year so you can worker smarter, not harder! Ready for a promotion? Looking to get your next raise? Let's start 2024 off right!

These techniques will help you lead with confidence. Let's do this!

Before we begin, let's do some self-reflection

Let's perform a personal SWOT analysis!
S: Strengths
W: Weaknesses
O: Opportunities
T: Threats

Don't follow the insanity principle: Expecting different results while doing the same thing

Think back to when you began working. Why were you hired? Why did they choose YOU?

Think WIIFM, What's In It For Me, but from your manager's perspective!

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